The Agriculture Best Management Practices (AgBMP) Loan Program is a water quality program that provides low-interest (3%) loans to farmers, rural landowners, and agriculture supply businesses.
The purpose is to encourage agricultural Best Management Practices that prevent or reduce runoff from feedlots, farm fields, and other pollution problems identified by the Local Water Plan. Private and cluster septic system installations, upgrades or repairs within Minnesota are eligible for AgBMP funding.
Th AgBMP Loan Program allows local governments the flexibility needed to address specific local water quality concerns. The local loan funds are jointly administered by Fillmore SWCD and local participating lenders.
Potential borrowers should contact the Fillmore SWCD for eligibility, available funds and to apply.
Eligible Items:
Fillmore County landowners interested in AgBMP should contact Sara West at Fillmore SWCD at 507-887-0240 or by email at
Further information on the program can be found on the MN Department of Agriculture (MDA) website:

Fillmore SWCD District Programs

Soil Health

Local Water Management Plan

Ag Best Management Plan (AgBMP)

Well Sealing

and are an important conservation practice for helping keep water clean.