Take advantage of the local service from Fillmore SWCD.
Private well owners, public water suppliers, cities, counties, agencies, and anyone else interested in having their water tested for bacteria can do so at the Fillmore SWCD office. Learn more.
A rain barrel is a rainwater collection system that stores rooftop runoff to be used for watering lawns and gardens. Learn more.
The tree program was developed to provide landowners with an affordable and convenient way to purchase trees and shrubs for conservation practices, such as windbreaks, shelterbelts, living snow fences and wildlife habitat. Learn more.
Grazing Management assistance is available for producers living within the Root River Watershed who would like to improve their grazing systems. Learn more.
Assist in developing a Nutrient Management Plan (NMP), which is managing the amount, source, placement, form and timing of the application of plant nutrients and soil amendments. Learn more.
Fillmore SWCD District Services

Private Well Water Testing

Rain Barrels

Tree Sales

Grazing Management