The definition of a Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) is managing the amount, source, placement, form and timing of the application of plant nutrients and soil amendments.
Sara West is the Nutrient Management Specialist working with producers in Fillmore, Houston, Dodge, Mower, Olmsted, Rice, Wabasha and Winona counties with the development of Nutrient Management Plans.
A NMP is comprised of basic farm, crop, animal and manure information which can be used to maximize your total farming operations nutrient needs. When complete it gives the producers a detailed overview of their operation and allows the producers to use the plan as a tool to increase net returns. Furthermore, it will help utilize plant nutrients in a form that maintains or improves soil and protects water, air, plant, animal and human resources. NMP’s are typically required if your operation is over 300 animal units and a feedlot inspection occurs. NMP’s are required to have annual updates according to the 7020 feedlot rules.
If you would like to develop a plan or have questions pertaining to NMP’s, contact Sara at 507-887-0240

The Fillmore SWCD has a new cost-share program available for applicators of liquid manure in the following counties:
Dakota, Fillmore, Goodhue, Houston, Mower, Olmsted, Wabasha, and Winona.
This program will help to evaluate the effectiveness and feasibility of commercially
available manure nutrient sensing technology on liquid manure application systems.
Sara West is our Nutrient Management Specialist. She graduated from the University of Minnesota with a degree in Animal Science with a Dairy Emphasis and a minor in Economics. Sara hopes to help farmers update their Manure Management Plan so they are in compliance with their feedlot permits. It will also help to understand the amount of available nutrients for their operation and help to minimize over application and excess fertilizer costs. If you’d like to update your plan or need a new manure management plan you can contact Sara West at Call 507-887-0240.
Fillmore SWCD District Services

Private Well Water Testing

Rain Barrels

Tree Sales

Grazing Management